The estimating equation for the glomerular filtration rate eGFR uses a different correcting factor for black African American individuals and individuals who are of other races non-African American. By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 12 2020 114024 AM ET In all individuals an eGFR level less than 60 milliliters per minute per 173 meters squared for three months or more may indicate chronic kidney disease according to MedlinePlus.
Should Race Be Replaced Reconsidering The Egfr Equations Nephjc
Regional Medical Laboratory - Reference range for GFR African American and non-African American.

Gfr non african amer. What is the controversy over using race in measuring eGFR. Your GFR tells your doctor your stage of kidney disease and helps the doctor plan your treatment. GFR has not been validated for use with the elderly over 70 years of age.
After age 40 GFR decreases progressively with age. For example if eGFR is reported based on the non-African American equation a comment could state For African Americans multiply by 1212 for. EGFR for African American non-African American.
Because serum creatinine is determined by diet and muscle mass as well as GFR we use age sex race African American vs nonAfrican American height or weight to adjust the estimation of GFR. Measured GFR is the best way to report kidney function but this is too complicated for routine medical care. It is usually ordered along with several other test when the kidney status is evaluated.
Despite its importance we rarely measure it directly. Laboratories distinguish the eGFR results of African-Americans from non-African-Americans because African-Americans tend to have higher concentrations of creatinine in their blood according to researchers from the University of California and Stanford University School of Medicine. When a person has either diabetes or hypertension or there is other reason to monitor the kidneys it is usually ordered.
EGFR for African American non-African American GFR glomerular filtration rate is equal to the total of the filtration rates of the functioning nephrons in the kidney it is usually accepted as the best overall index of kidney function. Race is used to estimate glomerular filtration rate. The eGFR non -African American is a test that is ordered to check for early kidney damage and to monitor kidney function.
Glomerular Filtration Rate gFR 1 Kidney damage eg protein in the urine with normal gFR 90 or above 2 Kidney damage with mild decrease in gFR 60 to 89 3a Moderate decrase in gFR 45 to 59 3b Moderate decrease in gFR 30 to 44 4 Severe reduction in gFR 15 to 29 5 Kidney failure less than 15 National Kidney Foundations Kidney Disease Outcomes. Kidney failure or Dialysis. For any given individual a black individual who has the same serum creatinine as.
The GFR MDRD NON AF AMER stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate calculated with the Modified Diet in Renal Disease equation for a non-african american female. A persons eGFR is based on the results of a creatinine blood test. This is based on different muscle masses between different races.
What is Kidney Glomerular Filtration Rate. Serum creatinine is one among several markers that clinicians use to determine the glomerular filtration rate and measure kidney. The normal range of GFR adjusted for body surface area is 100 to 130 mLmin173m 2 in men and 90 to 120mLmin173m 2 in women below the age of 40.
Your doctor can calculate it from the results of your blood creatinine test your age body size and gender. If female x 1210 if African American The equation was re-expressed in 2005 for use with a standardized serum creatinine assay which yields 5 lower values for serum creati-nine concentration4 6 GFR 175 x Standardized S Cr-1154 x age-0203 x 0742 if female x 1210 if African American GFR is expressed in mLmin173 m2 S Cr is. What Does a Low EGFR in a Non-African American Indicate.
The glomerular filtration rate or GFR for non-African Americans is typically lower because African Americans have on average greater muscle mass and thus higher serum creatinine levels explains Cleveland Clinic. A significant decrease in GFR indicates that the kidney is not properly functioning resulting in lower volumes of fluids being filtered over a given time. GFR glomerular filtration rate is equal to the total of the filtration rates of the functioning nephrons in the kidney it is usually accepted as the best overall index of kidney function.
Kidney glomerular filtration rate GFR is a test performed by a simple blood test and used to check how well your kidneys are working by estimating how much blood passes through the glomeruli tiny filters in the. Comments can supplement the calculated eGFR in cases where the laboratorys information system cannot be programmed to report estimates based on race African American or not African American. The TSH stands for thyroid stimulating hormone and you will have to discuss that with the physician who ordered the test.
EGFR - Estimated glomerular filtration rate is the best test to measure your level of kidney function and determine your stage of kidney disease. I am unable to interpret the test without performing a complete history. While African Americans represent 35 of people receiving dialysis in the United States they are less likely to be identified as kidney transplant candidates compared to Non-Hispanic Whites.
Instead we use serum creatinine level to estimate GFR eGFRcr.
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